Conferencia Magistral de Richard M. Ryan en Lima

Inicio y fin de evento: Del 16 de agosto al 16 de agosto

Ingreso: 17:30

Lugar: Auditorio de EEGGLL

Organizado por: Grupo de Investigación en Motivación y Emoción (MOTEM) de la Facultad de Psicología de la PUCP


El Grupo de Investigación en Motivación y Emoción (MOTEM) de la Facultad de Psicología de la PUCP, gracias al apoyo de la Dirección Académica de Relaciones Institucionales (DARI) los/las invita a la conferencia magistral del Dr. Richard M. Ryan, co-fundador de la Teoría de la Autodeterminación. El ingreso es libre y la conferencia será en inglés.

Fostering Motivation in Learning, Work and Well-being:
Research and Practice based in Self-Determination Theory

In every setting—in schools, workplaces, clinics, and athletics–fostering high quality motivation is a critical issue. In this talk Dr. Ryan will present research based in self-determination theory (SDT) concerning how managers, teachers, coaches, therapists and parents can facilitate or undermine autonomous motivation and its positive consequences for learning and wellness. He will also discuss such varied issues as: what sustains motivation over time; how feedback, evaluations and incentives impact behavior; and what is culturally universal and culturally specific about motivational principles. Finally, he will discuss practical elements in motivating oneself and others.

Richard M. Ryan, Ph.D. is Professor at the Institute for Positive Psychology and Education at the Australian Catholic University and Research Professor in Psychology at the University of Rochester. He is an award-winning teacher and researcher, with over 350 published articles and books. Ryan is a co-founder of Self-Determination Theory, an internationally researched theory of personality development and motivation that has been applied to areas as management, education, parenting, health care, sport, video games, psychotherapy.