Convocatoria: Ubaldo M. Córdova-Figueroa Research Group, theoretical soft matter and fluid mechanics


Nueva convocatoria para el Ubaldo M. Córdova-Figueroa Research Group: theoretical soft matter and fluid mechanics, de la Universidad de Puerto Rico de Mayagüez, dirigido a egresados.

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Our groups research interests are in fluid mechanics, transport processes, and colloidal sciences, with a special interest in problems at the interface between continuum mechanics and statistical mechanics. One area of research concerns fundamental studies of complex fluids based on Janus and catalytically-driven colloidal particles. Complex fluids is a generic label for materials that are composed of microstructural elements that interact via colloidal, hydrodynamic, and Brownian forces. Familiar examples of such fluids are suspensions, colloidal dispersions, liquid crystals, ferrofluids, electrorheological fluids, and polymer solutions and melts. In these systems the basic question is one of understanding and predicting the relationship between the materials microstructure and its macroscopic properties.




