Middle Workshop: Pictures from Chorrillos

Name / Place: Chorrillos (Lima)
Date: May to June, 1991
Socioeconomic Sector: Urban-marginal people
Organizations related to the Workshop: - "Vaso de Leche" committees of Chorrillos' neighborhoods.
- CELATS: the Workshop was made in coordination with this NGO, as a preparation for an event made by the "Vaso de Leche" committees on a zone from Chorrillos.
Number of photographers: 2
    Men:   0
    Women:   2
Number of films taken: 25
Information sheets: 17
Temas: - "Vaso de Leche" committees' activities
- Neighborhood living in Chorrillos
- Home living
Promoter in charge: - Daniel Pajuelo y Walter Silvera

CH 1-36

CH 1-41

CH 1-44

CH 2-30A

CH 4-22A

CH 5-4

CH 7-29

CH 8-38

CH 9-43

CH 11-40

CH 13-2

CH 13-3

CH 13-24

CH 13-31

CH 18-2

CH 18-5

CH 18-17

CH 20-29

CH 20-31

CH 20-33

CH 23-14

CH 23-16

CH 24-4

CH 24-20

CH 25-27