South Workshop: Pictures from Guam�n Poma

Name / Place: Guam�n Poma (Cusco City)
Date: 1988 - 1989
Socioeconomic Sector: Urban-marginal people
Organizations related to the Workshop: - Workshop done in coordination with the Guam�n Poma Center from Cusco, with young leaders from the northeast zone and promoters from the center.
Number of photographers: 14
    Men:   7
    Women:   7
Number of films taken: 99
Information Sheets: 65
Themes: - Neighborhoods: organization's activities, festivities
- City's downtown: salesmen, marchs, parades, festivities; political life
- Children.
- Homeless people.
Promoter in charge: - Thomas M�ller: started the workshop. It was done in coordination with the Centro Guam�n Poma Center (hence the name).
- Carlos Guti�rrez: continued until the end of the workshop.


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