South Workshop: Pictures from Ocongate

Name / Place: Ocongate - Quispicanchis (Cusco)
Date: 1986-1991
Socioeconomic Sector: Community peasants
Organizations related to the Workshop: - Peasant communities near Ocongate.
- Alpaca owners association.
- CODEH Ocongate (Human Rights Commission).
- Agro Industrial Training Centre "Jesus Obrero" (CCAIJO).
Number of photographers: 10
    Men:   10
    Women:   0
Number of films taken: 349
Information Sheets: 90
Temas: - Cattle and agricultural production.
- Local culture (festivities, rituals).
- Peasants communitties' organization.
Promoter in charge: - Thomas Muller: began the Workshop until the formation of TAFOS.
- Carlos Guti�rrez: 1989-1990.
- Justo Vargas: closure and monitoring until 1995.


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