Cursos en otros idiomas ofrecidos por LLCCHH
En un contexto en que el mercado laboral requiere egresados con enfoque internacional y en que el manejo de los idiomas es necesario, la Facultad ofrece una serie de cursos que apuntan a que el estudiante PUCP gane experiencia en el manejo de otros idiomas dentro de su quehacer académico. Estos cursos se ofrecen durante el semestre y están dirigidos tanto a estudiantes PUCP como estudiantes extranjeros.

Term 2022-2
GEO 306 – Seminar in Geography
"At the Crossroads of Globalization and the Anthropocene: The World Economy and Socio-Environmental Transformations in Contemporary Peru" The course seeks to reflect on the future of Peru and its inhabitants, based on processes of environmental change currently underway. In order to systematize this inquiry, two important geographical concepts are used: Globalization and the Anthropocene. On the one hand, the study of the social and institutional forces that shaped the current Global Economy is addressed. And, on the other, the role of technological change and mass consumption in the establishment of contemporary global production networks is analyzed.

FIL-354 Problems in the Philosophy of Language (2022-2)
CURSOS 2022-2 | PROBLEMS IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE (FIL-354)" - Dr. Eduardo Villanueva Chigne. The seminar will be primarily dedicated to the reading, analysis, and discussion of the book "Naming and Necessity" by philosopher and logician Saul Kripke on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its publication. "Naming and Necessity" (1972/1980) is one of the most important works in contemporary philosophy of language and metaphysics, with significance comparable to the classical works of Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Alfred Tarski.

Live Online Course - Term 2021-1
GEO-306 Geography Seminar (2021-1)
In this seminar we will explore the intersections between cities and water, focusing on four main subject areas: 1) Cities and drinking water systems; 2) Cities and sewerage/wastewater treatment systems; 3) Cities and rivers; 4) Cities and coastlines/beaches. We will analyze these specific topics to consider the material and conceptual relationships between cities and nature as well as between infrastructure and landscape.

Term 2020-1:
LIT-357 Comparative Literature (2020-1)
In this course, a contrastive approach will be made to the genres, styles, fields, topics and motives in the literature of different eras and different nations or regions. We will undertake the comparative study of Spanish-American and European literature.