18/02/2021 Taller
Docente: Dra. Martha Bell
Horario: lunes 6 – 8 p.m. y miércoles 6 – 7 p.m.
Dirigido a todos estudiantes de la PUCP que tienen interés en recursos hídricos, urbanismo y relaciones entre la sociedad y la naturaleza (sin prerrequisitos).
Cities and Water: A geographic exploration
In this seminar we will explore the intersections between cities and water, focusing on four main subject areas: 1) Cities and drinking water systems; 2) Cities and sewerage/wastewater treatment systems; 3) Cities and rivers; 4) Cities and coastlines/beaches. We will analyze these specific topics to consider the material and conceptual relationships between cities and nature as well as between infrastructure and landscape. The course will be based on recent English-language publications in Geography and related fields, especially works by Matthew Gandy, Karen Bakker, Nikhil Anand, Erik Swyngedouw, Maria Kaika, Rutgerd Boelens, among others. Examples from diverse global cities will be analyzed, including Alexandria, Beirut, Cape Town, Jakarta, Lagos, London, Mexico City, Mumbai, New York and Paris. These will be considered in spatial and historical perspective, to explore how ideas about water in urban spaces have evolved in diverse geohistorical contexts.
The course will be based on synchronic discussion (2 hours per week) and asynchronic activities (1 hour per week). Asynchronic activities will include films (documentary and feature) based on topics in urban water as well as readings and forum discussion. Student evaluation will be based on participation in synchronous and asynchronous activities; an in-class presentation, and a research project.
A note on English language requirements: readings and teacher presentations (including ppts) will be in English. Student discussion contributions, forum posts, research projects and presentations may be made in English or Spanish. While this course provides an excellent chance to practice English (spoken and written), I do not want this to be a barrier for student participation.
*The course is open to all PUCP students.
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