Para el semestre 2023-2, se dictará el curso electivo internacional «Responsible and Strategic Leadership Academy» en modalidad presencial y en inglés. Este curso equivale a 1 crédito y se desarrollará en la semana 10 del ciclo que va desde el lunes 16 hasta el viernes 20 de octubre (9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.). 

Inscríbete y participa de la charla informativa este lunes 31 de julio a las 9 a.m.

Charla informativa del curso electivo internacional

Los alumnos que deseen participar en este curso deberán inscribirse en la matrícula regular de la PUCP (lunes 31 de julio al jueves 3 de agosto), así como contar con un nivel intermedio de inglés y haber aprobado el curso de Taller de Habilidades Gerenciales 1.

Sumilla del curso:

The “Responsible and Strategic Leadership Academy” course comprises three areas of knowledge: (1) Leadership, (2) Strategy, and (3) Sustainable Development. These areas will be covered through two perspectives: (1) Individual Leadership (which includes topics such as emotional intelligence, self-knowledge, efficient communication, and adaptability), and (2) Corporate Leadership (which includes topics such as global leadership, ethics and organizational citizenship, collaborative working structures, power dynamics, and international strategies). The sessions will be conducted by international expert scholars, who will use active methods for autonomous learning. The course will be developed using different activities such as plenary sessions, lectures, workshops, and roundtable discussions.

Este curso electivo internacional será dictado por los siguientes docentes:

  • Cristina Sambrook 

Dr Cristina Sambrook is currently the Director of the MBA Programmes at the University of Birmingham (Birmingham Business School). She was previously in charge of the Executive MBA, and prior to that she led the BSc Business Management suite of programmes in Singapore, provided in collaboration with the Singapore Institute of Management. Before joining the Business School, Dr Sambrook had an international career, she lived and worked in several countries such as Romania, Israel and the UK, both in the public and private sectors. She was adviser to a Government minister, lead foreign investment projects in real estate and private pensions and more recently was a director and senior consultant on leadership development in London. This experience informs her pedagogical research and her teaching, as her interests revolve around cross cultural challenges (management, communication and strategy), leadership and international marketing.

  • Daniel Rottig

Dr. Daniel Rottig is Professor of International Business and Global Strategic Management in the Lutgert College of Business at Florida Gulf Coast University. He has published extensively in his field and has received numerous awards and award nominations for his scholarly work. Prof. Rottig is a passionate educator whose goal is to help students and executives understand the global business environment and how to strategically manage firms in international markets. He has been an invited, international visiting professor and speaker at some of the world’s leading universities in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East and has won a number of teaching awards