
Talleres Pre-Textos con alumnas de Harvard

Desde la Oficina de Promoción Social y Actividades Culturales (Oprosac) y la Red Internacional de Estudios Interculturales de la PUCP, te invitamos a participar de esta serie de encuentros con tres alumnas de la Universidad de Harvard, en estos utilizarán el método Pre-Textos para explorar cuestiones de identidad y la relación entre el entorno y el sentido de uno mismo.

«Pre-Textos», es una pedagogía desarrollada por la profesora de Harvard Doris Sommer que desarrolla habilidades de análisis literario a través del proceso de creación de arte. El programa vincula prácticas básicas de alfabetización, ciudadanía y creatividad al pedir a sus participantes que utilicen textos desafiantes como estímulos para la creación de arte.

Nos acompañan las alumnas:

  • Amy Ojeaburu (she/her)
    Amy is a fourth-year student at Harvard College from Seattle, Washington, USA. She is pursuing a degree in Philosophy and Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality. Her academic focus is on political communication in labor movements and framings of the laborer-consumer relationship. Outside of class, Amy is a member of Harvard Food Lab (where she runs cooking classes for local children) and volunteers with Harvard Square Homeless Shelter and the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center. In her free time, Amy enjoys exploring bookstores, trail running, and saying hi to every dog she sees.
  • Maya Nicole Dummett (she/her)
    Maya is a third-year student at Harvard College from Morristown, New Jersey, USA. She is pursuing a degree in computer science and government. Her academic focus is on the intersection of the two fields for social justice and social good causes. Outside of class, Maya is involved in many technology spaces, ranging from leading as the Executive Director of HCS Tech for Social Good to serving as the Co-Director of Community of the Harvard Computer Society. In her free time, Maya enjoys travel by train, making extravagant coffees, writing, and curating playlists.
  • Liliana Price (she/her)
    Liliana is a fourth-year student at Harvard College from Louisville, Kentucky, USA. She is pursuing a dual degree in Sociology on a Pre-Law track and Performance Studies, specifically dance. Her academic focus is on the intersections of art and academia. SPecifically she is writing her senior thesis on identity and the American dance industry. Outside of class, Liliana is the Founder and Director of Harvard’s first contemporary dance company, Harvard Contemporary Collective as well as a director for Harvard’s annual fashion and dance show, Harvard Eleganza. In her free time, Liliana loves to read, write, travel, and discover new coffee shops!

Detalles del taller:

  • martes 11 de junio (Aula 409 de EEGGLL)
  • jueves 13 de junio (Aula 305 de EEGGLL)
  • martes 18 de junio (Aula 409 de EEGGLL)

Hora: 4:00 a 6:00 p.m.

  • La inscripción está abierta para toda la comunidad PUCP.
  • Requisito: tener nivel intermedio de inglés.
  • Si tienes dudas y consultas puedes escribir al siguiente correo: mvaldiv@pucp.pe (Profesor Martín Valdiviezo)

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